
Your privacy is very important to us. RE / MAX respects and protects the privacy of our site visitors. The purpose of this privacy rule is to provide you with the type of information we collect and how we use this information. RE / MAX does not individually collect user identification data. We do not collect personally identifiable data on this website unless you choose to email us or save your search profile. Even when you choose to provide us with information, we keep them confidential and do not share your email address with anyone. When guests visit the RE / MAX Romania page, we collect basic information that does not identify individual users. These include site visitation traffic, which pages have been visited and for how long, where visitors are and what ISPs they use. We use this information and collect it to improve the quality of the page, the information contained therein, and to make your experience on our site effective and valuable.


According to the provisions of Law no. 677/2001, MAXIMO FRANCHISE and the RE / MAX franchised offices process personal data, in compliance with the principles mentioned below, for legitimate purposes. The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the legal requirements and under conditions that ensure the security, confidentiality and respect of the rights of the data subjects. The processing of personal data is done in compliance with the following principles: Notification. The operator of personal data is notified to the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data; Legality. The processing of personal data is done under and in accordance with the legal provisions; Well-determined purpose. Any processing of personal data is done for well-defined, explicit and legitimate purposes, adequate, relevant and non-excessive in relation to the purpose for which they are collected and subsequently processed; Confidentiality. The persons who process, on behalf of an institution, personal data provided in the employment contract and in the job description a confidentiality clause; Consent of the data subject. Any processing of personal data, with the exception of the processing aimed at data from the categories strictly mentioned in Law no. 677/2001, can be carried out only if the data subject has given his / her explicit and unequivocal consent for that processing; Information. The information of the persons is done by the institution that processes the personal data of the data subject; Protecting the data subjects. The data subjects have the right of access to the data that is processed, to intervene on them, of opposition and not to be subject to an individual decision, as well as the right to address the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data or the court of law. judgment for the defense of any rights guaranteed by law, which have been violated; Security. The measures of security of personal data are established so as to ensure an adequate level of security of the personal data processed.

3Rights of the data subject (regulated by Law 677/2001)

the right to obtain from MAXIMO FRANCHISE, upon request and free of charge for one request per year, the confirmation that the data concerning you are processed or not by MAXIMO FRANCHISE; the right to obtain from MAXIMO FRANCHISE, upon request and free of charge the rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of data whose processing is not in accordance with Law no. 677/2001, especially incomplete or inaccurate data; the right to obtain from MAXIMO FRANCHISE, upon request and free of charge, the transformation into anonymous data of data whose processing is not in accordance with Law no. 677/2001; the right to obtain from MAXIMO FRANCHISE, upon request and free of charge, the notification to third parties to whom the data of any operation performed according to par. 2) or 3), if this notification does not prove impossible or does not imply an effort disproportionate to the legitimate interest that could be harmed; the right to oppose you at any time, for well-founded and legitimate reasons, as data that aims to be the object of processing, except where there are contrary legal provisions; in case of justified opposition the processing can no longer target the data in question. the right to sue you for the defense of any rights guaranteed by this law, which have been violated. Also, to claim the non-observance of the rights guaranteed by Law no. 677/2001 you can address the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data and / and the courts.

4Security of personal data

MAXIMO FRANCHISE certifies that it meets the minimum requirements for the security of personal data.

MAXIMO FRANCHISE uses security methods and technologies, together with policies applied to employees and working procedures, including control and audit, to protect personal data collected in accordance with the legal provisions in force. For more details and information, any interested person can contact the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data. National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing Str. Pottery, no. 32, sector 2, Bucharest Phone: 0212525599 Web: http://www.dataprotection.ro

5Agreement to collect information

By using this page, you consent to RE / MAX collecting and using this information as described in the Privacy Policy. If RE / MAX changes this rule, these changes will be displayed on the website. You will always know how we collect and use this information so we recommend that you return to this page regularly.


RE / MAX is a franchise system in which each franchise office is managed and managed independently, having in common a set of rules and procedures specific to the brand. In relation to the clients each franchised Agency RE / MAX will make available to the Client a written information regarding: the prices practiced in the area for real estate similar to the one offered according to the database of the Remax franchise; disadvantages and deficiencies identified by the Agency regarding the building and area (neighborhoods) and which could influence the sale price; the level of the commission charged and the commission proposed to it; the estimated level of costs incurred by the Customer in the process of concluding a transaction. The commission due by the Client to the RE / MAX Agency is according to the type of the intermediation contract (open or exclusive) and the transaction desired by the Client (sale / purchase or rental) to which VAT can be added. The commission provided by the contract is the maximum amount to be paid by the Client for remuneration: The client does not owe the Agency the reimbursement of the expenses of promotion and representation / assistance in any of the situations in which the Commission pays the Commission, nor in the case of cases of force majeure. . Likewise, the Client does not owe the Commission and the reimbursement of the promotional expenses when the Contract ends by reaching the term. In cases of liability for breach of the Contract, the amount of the total damages due by one or the other of the parties cannot be greater than the amount of the Commission that would have been paid / received in the event of an agreement on the alienation / acquisition of the rights offered / demanded (whatever this agreement was, pre-contract, sale-purchase contract, pre-contract assignment, etc.) The RE / MAX agency does not provide and does not provide technical (cadastral, topographic, etc.), economic (feasibility analysis, profitability of a business, accounting, taxation), legal services.


The materials on this site, as well as the organization and format of this site are copyrighted and are protected by United States international copyright laws. You may access, download and print material contained on this site for personal and non-commercial use only, but any download or print from this site must contain the copyright notice of RE / MAX Europe and RE / MAX Romania. No rights, titles or interests in any of the materials contained in this site are transferred to you as a result of accessing, downloading or printing such materials. Unless otherwise specified, copying, modification, distribution, transmission, display, reproduction, publication, licensing, creation of work derived from, link or reproduction on another site, without written permission from RE / MAX Europe and RE / MAX Romania. This prohibition expressly includes, but is not limited to, practices such as "screen scraping" or "database scraping" to obtain a list of users or other information.


RE / MAX®, Above the Crowd®, Take a Step Above The Crowd®, Out in Front®, It's the Experience®, The Real Estate Superstars®, red-on-white-on-blue horizontal bar design and graphic sign Balloon logo are among the registered trademarks of RE / MAX International, Inc. RE / MAX International Trademarks may not be used in any way without the prior written and express approval of RE / MAX International.


The materials contained on this site are provided "as is", without any representation or warranty whatsoever. RE / MAX Romania expressly assumes no such representation and guarantees, express or implied. RE / MAX Romania does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information, texts, graphics, links or any elements contained in these materials. RE / MAX Romania reserves the right to make changes, corrections to this site, as well as improvements to the information contained in this site, at any time and without prior notice. The information on the RE / MAX Romania website may contain technical, typographical errors.


Under no circumstances will RE / MAX Romania be liable for any damages arising from the use or inability to use this site, including but not limited to direct, indirect, accidental, special or consequential damages, even if RE / MAX Romania was notified of the possibility of such damages.

11SC MaxIMO Franchise SRL

Sediul: Str. Avram Iancu nr. 32 A, et.1, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj
Nr.ord.reg.com./an: J12/2386/2006
C.I.F: 18842206

12Regulamente concursuri

Organizatorul Concursului ” Rucsac cu jucarii” (denumit in continuare„Concursul”) este RE/MAX Romania, cu sediul in Cluj-Napoca, Avram Iancu 32a, Cluj, Romania. Concursul se va derula conform prevederilor prezentului Regulament, (denumit in continuare „Regulament”) care este obligatoriu pentru toti participantii. Organizatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica sau schimba regulamentul, cu obligatia de a anunta publicul in mod oficial, in aceeasi maniera in care a fost facuta si informarea initiala. 
Concursul va fi operat prin intermediul SC MAXIMO FRANCHISE SRL CUI: RO 18842206
REG COM: J12/23862006 IBAN RO77BTRL RONCRT 0225939401 BANCA TRANSILVANIA SEDIU SOCIAL: Str C-tin Brancusi nr 99 SEDIU BIROU: Avram Iancu, 32 A, etaj 1, cod postal 400083, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj  Tel. 0364/734.776

2. LOCUL SI DURATA DESFASURARII CONCURSULUI Concursul se va desfasura in perioada 26.04-02.05 2021 pe pagina de Facebook RE/MAX Romania, https://www.facebook.com/remax.romania

Concursul este accesibil tuturor persoanelor fizice, indiferent de nationalitate, domiciliu, rasa, sex sau religie, rezidente in Romania, care respecta conditiile prezentului regulament si care urmeaza indicatiile prezente in acest Regulament pentru a-si valida participarea. 
Nu pot participa angajati ai Organizatorului, ai agentiei de publicitate si ai celorlalte companii implicate in aceasta actiune, precum si rudele de gradul I ale acestora. Participarea la acest concurs are valoare de acceptare integrala, liber consimtita si in afara oricarei constrangeri a prevederilor prezentului regulament. Dreptul de participare apartine in exclusivitate al participantului care indeplineste conditiile impuse de Regulament. Dreptul de participare la concurs este anulat automat in situatia in care o persoana furnizeaza date sau informatii false, eronate sau necorespunzatoare in completarea datelor personale. 
Pentru a putea participa la Concurs, participantii trebuie sa aiba un cont de Facebook si Instagram, completat cu o adresa de email valida si nume / prenume reale. Daca nu aveti cont de utilizator va puteti creea un cont nou, la adresa: https://instagram.com/, https://facebook.com/

Tuturor participantilor le sunt garantate drepturile in conformitate cu Legea 677/2001 pentru protectia persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date, respectiv dreptul la informare, dreptul de acces la date, dreptul de interventie, dreptul de opozitie, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale si dreptul de a se adresa justitiei. Organizatorul va utiliza datele personale furnizate de catre participanti la inscrierea in concurs exclusiv in scopul anuntarii si identificarii castigatorului. 

Utilizatorii vor afla de concurs de pe pagina RE/MAX Romania de FACEBOOK. Utilizatorii se pot inscrie in concurs in perioada 26.04 – 02.05. 2021, astfel: 
1. Intra pe pagina RE/MAX Romania de Facebook 
2. Follow și like paginii de Facebook RE/MAX Romania
3. Follow contului de Instagram RE/MAX Romania
4. Like acestei postări
5. Descărcați, colorați împreună cu micuții voștri pagina de colorat atașată, fotografiați-o și atașați-o într-un comentariu pentru a o putea vedea și noi

Pentru a castiga premiul oferit de RE/MAX Romania utilizatorul trebuie sa respecte pasii de mai sus. Simpla urmarire a contului de Instagram sau Facebook nu presupune si inscrierea in concurs, este necesar si comentariul la postarea de concurs. 

Se va acorda ca premiu 5 rucsacuri cu jucării in valoare de  20 euro +TVA, fiecare. 
Castigatorul va fi ales prin random.org in maxim 48h de la incheierea concursului. Toti participantii la concursul ” Un rucsac cu jucarii” trebuie sa indeplineasca conditiile Regulamentului. 

Castigatoriilor concursului de pe Facebook li se va aduce la cunostinta rezultatul concursului pe data de 03.05 2021 dupa extragere, astfel: li se va cere acordul mai intai cu privire la afisarea numelor lor pe pagina RE/MAX Romania de Facebook atat pe story cat si intr-un comentariu la postarea aferenta, optional. 
In cazul in care castigatorii nu trimit in 72 de ore informatiile solicitate de Organizator prin acelasi mecanism, acesta va extrage altii noi. Organizatorul nu este responsabil pentru intarzierea anuntarii castigatorilor din motive care nu tin de el. 

Participantul este unic responsabil asupra oricaror consecinte directe sau indirecte ce pot aparea ca urmare a postarii unor imagini inadecvate sau cu drepturi de autor pe instagram.com. sau facebook.com
Prezentul Concurs va inceta de drept la data de 02.05 2021, ora 23.59 si poate inceta inainte de termen numai în cazul producerii unui eveniment de forta majora - de natura a face imposibila derularea. 
Regulamentul Concursului este disponibil in mod gratuit pe pagina de Facebook a RE/MAX Romania. Prin participarea la acest Concurs, participantii sunt de acord sa se conformeze acestui Regulament. Orice modificari ale prezentului Regulament vor fi comunicate pe https://www.facebook.com/remax.romania

Organizatorul se obliga sa calculeze, sa retina la sursa si sa vireze impozitul datorat pentru Premiile acordate Participantilor castigatori ai Concursului.

In cazul unor litigii aparute intre RE/MAX Romania si participantii la concurs, acestea vor fi solutionate pe cale amiabila. Daca nu este posibila rezolvarea litigiilor pe cale amiabila, partile implicate in litigiu vor inainta litigiul spre solutionare instantelor romane competente.

Fiecare birou francizat RE/MAX e deținut și operat independent.